They cottoned on quite quickly to the importance of publicity and that has continued right up to the present day. In the early days, Potter and her publisher were very astute.

It has to be said, that for something to be so successful for so long, you also have to have good publicity and good marketing. They are realistic, compared with many other children’s book illustrations. They are aimed at children and they have text and illustrations that appeal to them, but they also appeal to adults, who are happy to read the books with children because they have an underlying interest that a lot of children’s books don’t necessarily have for adults.Īlthough her stories are not moralizing, they have a purpose and a point, and they have a bit of humour. Obviously the stories appeal to children. Her first book was published in 1902, when she was already 36, and the books have continued to sell ever since. Foreign Policy & International Relationsīefore we get into your Beatrix Potter book choices, to what do you attribute her perennial appeal? Why do you think she’s been so popular for so long?.