Creator's Favorite Episode: Urbina's is "Empty Man" Shachat's is "Am I Alone Now." At least, that was the case until "Memoria" came out.

The Cameo: Series composer Alan Rodi gets one of the last lines of the series, voicing Earth Air Traffic Control.Bonus Material: Among other things, online scripts, AMAs, and "The Manifesto of the Blessed Eternal.".During the Summer 2016 hiatus, there were eight short episodes released, each showing how one of the characters came to be hired by Goddard Futuristics. Bonus Episode: Lots, mostly dedicated to character background.The blooper quickly became a fandom in-joke.

Zach Valenti then proceeded to read the line, without breaking character and with all the rage and drama that the situation required, before realizing that the words that had come out of his mouth didn't make much sense. Blooper: In the script for "Empty Man", writer Urbina accidentally typed the line "How could dare you" (It was supposed to read "How could they" or "how dare you" or something along those lines).